Blue Nose Friends
No 1 – Patch the Dog - Patch is a happy dog, a loyal friend indeed – and always there for you.
No 2 – Kittywink the Cat - Kittywink is a mischievous cat who loves chocolate drops – and would give you the last one.
No 3 – Blossom the Rabbit - Blossom is a rabbit who loves to giggle – especially with you.
No 4 – Dilly the Duck - the fluffy duck who’s sure to raise a smile; and keep you chirpy.
No 5 – Toots the Elephant - Toots is a wise elephant who always has a story to tell; make sure you’re sitting comfortably!

No 6 – Binky the Panda - Binky is the shy panda who has a big heart; to love you.
No 7 – Twiggy the Giraffe - Twiggy is a friendly giraffe who loves to chat; but will never tell your secrets.
No 8 – Chip the Zebra - Chip is a cheeky zebra who loves to tell jokes; and will never fail to make you laugh.
No 9 – Rocky the Lion - Rocky is a heroic lion; your fearless friend who will always look after you.
No 10 – Buster the Leopard - Buster is a lively leopard who loves to play hide and seek; you won’t find a better friend.

No 11 – Truffles the Pig - Truffles is the sneaky pig who will scoff your last sweet if you’re not looking; so keep him close!
No 12 – Cottonsocks the Sheep - Cottonsocks the cuddly sheep who loves to snuggle up with you; and keep you warm.
No 13 – Coco the Monkey - Coco is an excitable monkey who loves being the centre of attention; make sure you are watching.
No 14 - Konker the Hedgehog - Konker is the carefree hedgehog who isn’t fussy where he goes; as long as it’s with you.
No 15 – Chalky the Polar Bear - Chalky is the reliable polar bear with a cuddly nature; to make you feel safe and cared for.

No 16 – Wise the Owl - Wise is the bright owl who always has his head in a book; unless you want to play.
No 17 – Chilly The Penguin - Chilly is the perky penguin who’s used to getting his own way; he’ll twist you round his little flipper!
No 18 – Jiggle The Reindeer - Jiggle is the thoughtful reindeer who loves giving gifts; and will always put you first.
No 19 – Mo the Kangaroo - Mo is the caring kangaroo who likes to play Mum; She’ll keep a loving eye on you!
No 20 – Gum Gum The Koala - Gum Gum the gentle koala who can sleep anywhere; but he’s happiest tucked up with you.

No 21 – Milkshake the Cow - Milkshake is the loyal and trustworthy cow who loves to follow you around; wherever you go.
No 22 – Bobbin the Horse - Bobbin is a little horse who’s trusting and carefree; she’ll always bring a smile to your face.
No 23 – Thomas the Hippo - Thomas is the huggable hippo who likes to sleep; snuggled up next to you!
No 24 – Digger the Terrier - The dependable terrier with a nose for adventure; he’ll be there to dig you out of trouble!
No 25 – Bracken the Badger - Bracken is the bright-eyed badger with a taste for midnight feasts; especially when they’re with you.

No 26 – Dot the Ladybird - Dot is the pretty little ladybird with a bright personality; she’ll cheer you up whatever the weather.
No 27 – Breeze the Butterfly - Breeze is the shy and affectionate butterfly; who will always make your heart flutter.
No 28 – Honey the Bumble Bee - Honey is the daydreaming bumble bee who floats about all day; and will always stick by your side!
No 29 – Splodge the Dalmatian - Splodge is the clumsy Dalmatian who’s always in a spot of bother; but knows you’ll be there to look out for him!
No 30 – Shelley the Turtle - Shelley the quiet little turtle with a hard exterior; will always have a soft spot for you!

No 31 – Lily the Frog - Lily is a delightful little frog who hops from place to place; but will always be happy to share your pad.
No 32 – Eco the Bat - Eco is the playful little bat who loves to stay up late; he’ll hang around with you all night long!
No 33 – Bells the Reindeer - Bells is the adventurous reindeer who loves to explore; and will always be there to guide you.
No 34 – Sugarcube the Donkey - Sugarcube is the helpful little donkey; he’ll carry you through life when you need him.
No 35 – Tiny the Mouse - Tiny the busy little mouse who hurries around; but she’ll always have time for you.

No 36 – Jock the Moose - Jock is a strong moose with a tender heart; he’s someone you can always lean on.
No 37 – Ruby the Robin - Ruby is the cheery robin who’s full of song; she’ll always be there to sing you to sleep.
No 38 – Peanuts the Hamster - Peanuts is a kind little hamster who loves to collect things; but would never take anything without asking first.
No 39 – Pearl the Poodle - Pearl is an elegant poodle who loves a cuddle; she’ll always be happy to curl up with you.
No 40 – Fluffy the Sheepdog - Fluffy the faithful sheepdog who is full of mischief…but he would never pull the wool over your eyes!

No 41 – Snuffle the Anteater - Snuffle is a curious anteater who has a nose for treats; hide yours and see if he can find them!
No 42 – Melody the Parrot - Melody is an affectionate parrot who loves to talk; perch yourself next to her and she’ll share her feelings with you!
No 43 – Snowdrop the Fluffy Rabbit - Snowdrop is the playful rabbit who loves everything magical; but would never play tricks on you.
No 44 - Legend the Unicorn - Legend is a magical unicorn who is full of knowledge; ask him anything and he’ll point you in the right direction!
No 45 – Scoot the Snail - Scoot is an adventurous snail who loves to travel; but don’t worry he won’t be going anywhere fast.

No 46 – Mack the Otter - Mack is a laid back otter who loves to float about; with you as a friend he won’t drift far.
No 47 – Zee Zee the Goat - Zee Zee is a stubborn goat who will never give in; but he would never lock horns with you.
No 48 – Winkles the Boxer - Wrinkles is an honest and loyal boxer dog who is full of energy; but he would never run rings around you.
No 49 – Cuddles the Sun Bear - Cuddles the protective sun bear who will always support you; whatever you do she’ll always be there with a hug !
No 50 – Giggles the Baboon - Giggles is a cheeky baboon who loves to play jokes, but don’t worry, he won’t leave any banana skins for you.

No 51 – Goldie the Labrador - Goldie is a playful Labrador who always likes to be a good sport; he’ll do anything to score brownie points with you.
No 52 – Webster the Spider - Webster is a creative little spider who will capture your imagination; he’ll always have your thoughts in a spin.
No 53 – Sue Shee the Pelican - Sue Shee is a crafty pelican who is always fishing for something, but she’ll never cast a doubt over your friendship.
No 54 – Stilts the Flamingo - Stilts is the patient flamingo who will always keep you in suspense… but don’t worry, she’ll never stand you up!
No 55 – Whisper the Dear - Whisper is a quiet sensitive deer who loves to stand and listen; but try not to startle her with your stories!

No 56 – Blubber the Walrus - Bubbler is a noisy walrus who’s incredibly thick skinned; be kind to him and he won’t give you the cold shoulder!
No 57 – Jungle the Orang-utan - Jungle is a crazy orang-utan who loves to branch out; but he’ll always have time to swing by and see you!
No 58 – Essence the Sunk - Essence is a dignified skunk who loves to be noticed, she’ll waft anything under your nose to get noticed.
No 59 – Wanda the Goose - Wanda is a wild but gentle goose who loves to play chase; keep up and she won’t give you the run around.
N0 60 – Alaska the Husky - Alaska is the smooth-talking husky who’ll chat her way out of any situation; stick behind her and she’ll lead you down the right track!

No 61 – Whiskers the Seal - Whiskers is a smooth-talking seal who’ll chat his way out of any situation; but he’ll never get you caught up in anything fishy.
No 62 – Kozie the Alpaca - Kozie is a crafty alpaca who could weave his way out of anything; but don’t worry he will never spin you a yarn!
No 63 – Cranberry the Turkey - Cranberry is a clucky turkey who could drive you crackers; take your eyes off your food and he’ll gobble it up!
No 64 – Trotters the Wild Boar - Trotters is the unselfish wild boar who loves to pig out; give him the opportunity and he’ll go the whole hog!
No 65 – Cheddar the Mouse - Cheddar is the sensible field mouse who is always mature about things; she’ll never shy away from a slice of fun, though!

No 66 - Rainbow the Puffin - Rainbow is the wacky puffin with a colourful outlook on life; take her under your wing and she won’t get in a flap!
No 67 – Kashmir the Ram - Kashmir is the outspoken ram who always has an opinion; he loves to butt in, but will give you the chance to have your say too.
N0 68 – Passion the Lovebug - Passion is an infectious lovebug who in a flutter will capture your heart; but would never dream of hurting your feelings.
No 69 – Splash the Octopus - Splash is the ambitious octopus who has his tentacles all over the place; he’s a sucker for anything new!
No 70 – Peekaboo the Mole - Peekaboo is the clumsy mole who always seems to be getting lost; though she’d swear blind that it’s never her fault!

No 71 – Chase the Jack Russell - Chase is the energetic Jack Russell who is always on the go… you’d be barking mad to try and keep up with her!
No 72 – Midnight the Owl - Midnight is the nocturnal owl who loves a good party; wherever he is, you know it’ll be a hoot!
No 73 – Tango the Toucan - Tango is a colourful toucan who loves to dance; put on a show and he’d love to be top of the bill!
No 74 - Oasis the Camel - Oasis is the honest camel who would never take you for a ride; stay truthful to her and she won’t get the hump.
No 75 - Gossip the Lizard - Gossip is the tongue-wagging lizard who always has a lot to say; if you try to interrupt him he’ll always have the last word!

No 76 - Snugs the Chinchilla - Snugs is the cuddly chinchilla who always has time for a hug; as long as you welcome her with open arms.
No 77 – Peers the Meerkat - Peers is the nosy meerkat who loves to be involved in everything; he just wants to stand up and be counted.
No 78 – Baffle the Fox - Baffle is a sly fox who will amaze you with his tricks; watch closely, otherwise he might puzzle you even more! Add this cute friend to your collection today!
No 79 – Noo the Wilderbeast - Noo is a messy wilderbeast who ‘s always getting himself in a tangle; but he’ll try hard not to get you caught up in it!
No 80 - Scuba the Dolphin - Scuba is a tame dolphin who would love to net your friendship; she promises not to treat it like a drop in the ocean. Add this cute friend to your collection today!

No 81 – Ivory the Rhino - Ivory is a no-nonsense rhino who gets straight to the point; lock horns with her and you’ll soon know who’s in charge.
No 82 – Flame the Dragon - Flame is a fiery dragon whose personality could light up any room. Her burning ambition is to strike a friendship with you.
No 83 – Needles the Woolly Mammoth - Needles is an hilarious woolly mammoth whose jokes will have you in stitches; stay cottoned on and you’ll have a ball!
No 84 – Quiver the Emperor Penguin - Quiver is a daring Emperor Penguin who loves to skate on thin ice; on the flip side there’s no chance of your friendship cracking.
No 85 – Bengal the Tiger - Bengal is a prowling white tiger who’ll roar her way to your heart; she’ll never stray far and will always be within a whisker of you.

No 86 – Alpine the Bernese Mountain Dog - Alpine is an intelligent Bernese Mountain Dog who would do anything for you; he’ll lead you to the top but won’t bark orders.
No 87 – Feathers the Peacock - Feathers is the extravagant peacock who loves to be the focus of attention; spread the word and he’ll be your biggest fan!
No 88 – Nutmeg the Squirrel - Nutmeg is a kind and considerate squirrel, who loves to hoard things; she’ll try not to drive you nuts!
No 89 – Buck the Beaver - Buck is a hard working beaver who loves to get his teeth into anything; lodge with him and you’ll understand why.
No 90 – Yabber the Duck Billed Platypus - Yabber is a chattering Duck-billed platypus who has the gift of the gab; whatever the situation he will talk his way out of it.

No 91 – Koodoo the Antelope - Koodoo is a dynamic antelope who likes to rise to a challenge; she is leaps and bounds above all antelopes
No 92 – Ripple the Swan - Ripple is a graceful swan who goes about things in her own way; but she’ll always stick her neck out for you!
No 93 – Scraps the Rat - Scraps is a fussy rat who is always seeking the road to perfection; with your help he’ll stay streets ahead!
No 94 - Runner the Ostrich - Runner is a hard-working ostrich who always gets her head down; she’ll never shy away from helping out her friends.
No 95 – Foo the Pug - Foo is an inquisitive pug who loves nothing more than to sniff out the gossip; she’s happy to share it if you lead the way!
No 96 - Float the Manatee - Float is a chilled-out manatee who loves to spend half his day sleeping; mess up his routine and he’ll be all at sea.

No 97 - Tropic the Seahorse - Tropic is an he exotic seahorse who loves to make a wave of difference; compared to others he’s a different kettle of fish
No 98 - Treetops the Gorilla - Treetops is a lazy gorilla who loves nothing more than to sit and chill; although he’ll always happily swing by to help you out!
No 99 – Ocean the Sea Turtle - Ocean is a flamboyant sea turtle who will go to great depths for her friends; deep down she sees you as her best friend!
N0 100 – Ramble the Centipede - Ramble is a non-stop centipede who loves to walk and explore; follow in his footsteps and you’ll have tons of fun!
No 101 – Shelter the Woodlouse - Shelter is a quiet woodlouse who keeps himself to himself; underneath it all though he knows he’d have a ball with you.
No 102 – Jewel the Corgi - Jewel is a proud corgi who’s a shining example of a good friend; to crown it all she’ll make you feel like a king or a queen!

N0 103 – Shield the Armadillo - Shield is the brave Armadillo who’ll do all he can to protect you; behind it all though he’s a real softy at heart.
No 104 – Squabble the Pigeon - Squabble is the unpredictable pigeon who likes to surprise his friends; he’ll always let you know when he’s going to drop by.
No 105 – Paws the Persian Cat - Paws is the glamorous Persian cat who always loves to look her best; with your help she could be a catwalk queen!
N0 106 – Pipsqueak the Chihuahua - Pipsqueak is the confident Chihuahua who loves to collar the attention of others…with your friendship she can lead by example.

No 107 – Culture the Chameleon - Culture is the funky chameleon who’s forever changing his mind; but he’ll never disguise the fact that he’s friends with you.
N0 108 – Smoo the Highland Cow - Smoo is a Highland Cow who’ll clamber up the steepest slope; to make sure she stays by your side.
No 109 – Comedy the Hyena - Comedy is a witty Hyena who’ll have you in tears of laughter; joking aside, she just loves to make you smile!
No 110 – Spirit the Lemur - Spirit is a loveable Lemur who’s bursting with energy; but he’ll always have time for a quiet moment with you.
No 111 – Twist the Snake - Twist is an enchanting Snake with a spellbinding personality; if you have a problem, she’ll conjure the perfect solution.

No 112 – Scuttle the Crab - Scuttle is an inquisitive crab who loves to explore; when you need a friend, he’s a rock you can always depend on.
No 113 – Bixie the Spaniel - Bixie is the cute Cocker Spaniel who loves a snooze; but when you’re in the room, he’s all ears!
No 114 – Flip the Gecko - Flip is the dippy Gecko who’ll turn your life upside-down; but don’t worry, his feet always land on solid ground.
No 115 – Spangle the Starfish - Spangle is a shimmery Starfish who’s the best friend you can imagine; she’ll stick with you from beginning to end!

No 116 – Glide the Pegasus - Glide is a well groomed Pegasus who loves adventure; but she’ll always land smoothly at your side.
No 117 – Crest the Pterosaur - Crest is a timid Pterosaur who can’t wait to love you; he’s just waiting to be discovered.
No 118 – Pout The Puffer Fish - Pout is an eager puffer fish with a well rounded attitude; he’s bursting with love for you.
No 119 – Abbey the British Cat - Abbey is a well-bread British cat with a pedigree outlook on life; she thinks you’re a perfectly funky friend.

No 120 – Ziza the African Elephant - Ziza is a gentle African Elephant who always knows where to find a friend; she’d cross the widest desert for you.
No 121 – Flash the Dragon - Flash is a pretty dragon who never gets in a flap; make a wish and all your dreams will come true!
No 122 – Avery the Chick - Avery is an adorable chick who never wants to grow up… being fluffy is so much fun!
No 123 – Tinsel the Arctic Fox - Tinsel is a fun-loving fox who loves to celebrate; parties always sparkle when she’s around!

No 124 – Aimee the Love Bird - Aimee is a loopy Love Bird who’s forever falling head over heels, she has a new admirer waiting in the wings!
No 125 - Pudge the Triceratops - Pudge is a permanently peckish pink Triceratops who chomps all day, but this hungry herbivore loves hanging out with you too!
No 126 – Leboo the Masai Lion - Leboo is a stunning Masai Lion who loves to stand out, wherever he roams, he’s always the mane attraction!
No 127 – Deelish the Wombat - Deelish is a wombat wannabe DJ who likes to spin discs and is always up for a party with friends.

No 128 – Diva the Canary - Diva is the superstar canary who always hits the high notes; at any event she loves to be centre stage.
No 129 – Frizzie the Lamb - Frizzie is the inquisitive little lamb who’s always getting lost; but now he’s met you, he’ll stay close to home.
No 130 – Dash the Cheetah - My Blue Nose Friends Dash is the energetic cheetah who can’t keep still; try to keep up if you can!
No 131 – Eduardo the Axolotl – Eduardo is the animated axolotl who bubbles with enthusiasm; when Eduardo’s around, everything goes swimmingly!

No 132 – Pandora the Pearl Oyster - Pandora is the beautiful pearl oyster who loves to hide; if you can find her, she’ll dazzle you with surprises.
No 133 – Tatty Puppy - Tatty Puppy is the lovable pup who’s on a mission to make you laugh; watch out for those cheeky pranks!
No 134 – Denzil the Komodo Dragon -Denzil is the chilled Komodo Dragon who’s calm in any crisis; when the heat is on, Denzil always stays cool.
No 135 – Soprano the Shetland Pony - Soprano is the pint-sized Shetland Pony who loves to sing with friends; because everything’s better in harmony!

N0 136 – Nelson The Narwhal - Nelson is a knowledgeable Narwhal, expert in all things nautical, he’ll steer you clear of deep waters.
N0 137 – Spartacus the Labradoodle - Spartacus is a brave Labradoodle, he might be fluffy but he’ll fight for your friendship.
No 138 – China the Red Panda - China is a beautiful rare Red Panda, she is small and shy but if you find her she’ll bring you luck.
No 139 – Sahara the Scorpion - Sahara is a passionate pink scorpion, she’s loyal, loving and determined to be the best possible friend!

N0 140 – Scamp the Gerbil - Scamp is the daredevil gerbil who leaps into the unknown; but when evening comes he prefers to snuggle with friends!
No 141 – Hugo the Killer Whale - Hugo is a happy orca who loves to leap and laugh, make him smile and he’ll create a big splash for you!
No 142 – Sasha the Silk Moth - Sasha is the beautiful silk moth who weaves mystery wherever she goes; follow her and you’ll soon be in a spin!
No 143 – Blanche the Stoat - Blanche is the pure white stoat who loves to keep things clean; but she always has time for friends!

No 144 – Roger the Raccoon - Roger is a resourceful raccoon, loves to help out friends and can find a fix for anything!
No 145 – Snoozi the Sloth - Snoozi is a sleepy Sloth who loves to hand around in the rainforest. She dreams of hanging out with you.
No 146 – Stephen the Seagull - Stephen is the seagull who loves an ice cream at the seaside and enjoys sharing one with friends.
No 147 – Tica the Tree Frog - Tica is a vibrant Tree Frog, she like to stand out from the crowd, but will always stand by your side.

No 148 – Sebastian the Sabre Tooth Tiger - Sebastian is the loveable sabre tooth tiger. Don’t be fooled by his big teeth, he’s just a big old softy!
No 149 – Rascal the Schnauzer - Rascal is the playful Schnauzer who likes to keep you on your toes and loves nothing more than enjoying time with his friends!
N0 150 – Special Edition Twinkletoes the Floppy Eared Rabbit – My Blue Nose Friends Twinkletoes is the floppy eared rabbit who loves to dance. Put on your dancing shoes and she’ll have you in a twirl!
No 151 – Pippa the Chipmunk – Pippa is the tiny chipmunk who is always rushing around but loves to take a break with you.